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Dr. Bernhard Knies attorney at law – specialized lawyer for copyright and media law


2009 specialized lawyer for copyright and media law

2001 Court of Appeals Munich (Oberlandesgericht München)
1996 District Court of Munich (Landgericht München I und II)


Doctoral Thesis about “The Rights of Phonogram Producers in International Law” under Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gerhard Schricker (1999)
Law Studies at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (1988 – 1993)
Scientific Researcher in the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law (section for American law) (1993 – 1998)
National Expert at the European Commission, Brussels, in the department for Copyright Law and Intellectual Property (1996)
Scientific Research in Tokyo, Japan, for the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)
Member of the ALAI (Association Literaire et Artistique Internationale) and GRUR

Languages: English, French, German

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